Lights Camera Action

  • Commercial Ads

    Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Customers just remember the impression you make, do that with us at Naveraa .

  • Movie Shoots

    Create your own visual style. Let it be unique and yet identifiable to others with the splendid outdoor locations of Naveraa .

  • Pre/ Post Wedding Shoots

    The location with greenery and huge spaces around are best made for you and your loved one.

  • Musical Shoot

    Film-makers will love to shoot at our location. The picture perfect location to shoot movies, daily soaps, songs, commercial ads.

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Naveraa Experiences

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We just wanted to say thank Naveraa for their impeccable facilitation. The entire team are stellar. TNaveraa have earned their spot as our go-to event center. They consider every detail, offer a thoughtful touch, and can manage clientele's needs with ease. The team is incredibly responsive, wildly creative, and always go the extra mile to ensure our events are fun, memorable and seamless.


Having an outdoor wedding made the day better than we could have hoped for. The setup of the event by the event center was perfect and all of the staff were concerned with our satisfaction! It was the perfect facility

Merlyn, Bangalore